06 November 2008

Election Day, Nga Trang, Vietnam

We stayed up all night and all day to watch this live. After finding no other Americans or a bar showing CNN with audio, we sequestered ourselves in our room for about 12 hours, holding a CNN vigil from 10pm-10am. At one point Max went out to buy some fried bananas and water.

Obama speaks as the new president.

Later that day, we went to the beach and played the first international game of Circle Rules Football with a group of kids we met. Before playing Circle Rules they were practicing their Britney Spears dance routine (boys and girls). After playing Circle Rules they took pictures of us with their cell phones. Truly a day of firsts.

Goodnight changed America.

Kara and Max


Anonymous said...

Circle rules! You crack me up! I love you both and I love hearing about your adventures! You both are amazing! It was wonderful to talk to you yesterday! I miss you! You are the best brother EVER!

cvy said...

"In these hard times, Americans will need to work twice as hard, to keep Kara Fox's undergarments as spread around the room, to be as dry as they can be."

-President Elect Barack Obama.

I love you two a lot.


Unknown said...

Living vicariously through your blogs.The previous pics and comments confirmed how senseless wars are.

Hope you two are happy and healthy. Miss you lots. Let me know when we can Skype.Thanksgiving day?

Love you guys,Auntie Aunnie

Cara said...

What's with the blog blackout since directly after the U.S. election? I'm jonesin' for more stories of the adventures of Kara and Max!